Our friend Lee recently informed us that the 12 days of Christmas START on December 25th! This means that our holiday message is officially still within the holiday season.
It's been an eventful year for us. Carrie has had the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong and Pasadena through her job at Microsoft, and Chip made a foray back into the working world! He's glad to report that he's been there, done that, got the T-Shirt, and is now delighted to be back as Maker-of-Home for our family. He found that changing diapers is more fun than designing in Catia (joke for the engineers out there). Quinn enjoyed his time at Bright Horizons but is thrilled to back home with his daddy. He'll start a part-time preschool in January where he'll be learning Spanish - we'll see how that goes.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll spare you more of my words and share the rest of our year in pictures!
We wish all of our friends and family the Happiest New Year!
Quinn Learns to sleep outside of his crib.
Quinn the spider at the zoo.
Chip and Kevin finished the pantry!
We celebrated Quinn's 3rd birthday at Disneyland. It would have been even more awesome if Chip and Quinn hadn't brought the stomach flu down with them.
Quinn takes command of the plane on the way down to San Diego.
Quinn found a bunch of treats at Katherine and Oliver's house.
Quinn ROCKS!
Checking out the Museum of Flight with Daddy.
Quinn is already piloting small aircraft. I'm not sure I'd take a ride with him yet.
Quinn gets a really nice shiner.
Carrie gets a new do.
Quinn channels the Fonz (note the Elmo coat).
The Traveling Elvis van at the Georgetown Street Fair.
With Grandpa Papa and Uncle Ev at Evan's 40th birthday party in San Diego.
Two dads and two Quinns at Uncle Evan's 40th birthday party.

Carrie traveled to Hong Kong for global conference, and made many wonderful new friends.
We took a delightful trip to Disneyland with the Doring clan. Quinn loved hanging out with his cousins and family.
Quinn's school pix:

We wrapped up the year with much Christmas Cheer!

We got our Xmas Sweaters ON at the OBAMA (Official Bad Art Museum of Art) Room Holiday Party.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as one of the best or worst jobs in the world - the SeaTac Airport Snowman and Christmas tree. After last year's hoopla I was suprised not to see a Menorah and Kwanza doodad as well.
Picking out a Christmas tree.
We went to Deer Valley Utah for snow fun with the Gilberts. Quinn liked skiing almost as much as he liked eating icicles!
The annual Christmas Wellington. It was divine this year.